Inscriptions Programme bien vieillir

Complexe sportif Bormisport 556 chemin du content Bormes-les-Mimosas
Registrations for the Aging Well Program
Registrations and explanations of the aging well program:

For “Bormes Atout Forme”, the CCAS of the town of Bormes les Mimosas is setting up an “Aging Well” program for those aged 60 and over.

This is an aging prevention program that is organized in the form of free workshops: taking care of yourself and maintaining regular physical activity, acquiring daily prevention gestures by raising awareness in particular about fall prevention, strengthening muscle building and improving the balance and strength of practitioners, such are its objectives. All in a friendly atmosphere allowing to share activities together, to encourage exchanges and therefore to fight against isolation.

– Provide: medical certificate and glasses


  • Various sports

Admission fees


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Complexe sportif Bormisport
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