The project of the Path of the Wise was born during a session of the Council of Elders, made up of 9 women and 9 men aged 60 and over, chosen for their wise experience by the Municipal Councillors. On that day, the subject of reflection was the question of how to bring our republican motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” to life?
The birth of the Path of the Sages
The idea germinated that sprinkle the city with sentences emanating from famous women and men, globally recognized for their wisdom and their humanism, could challenge the awareness of passers-by Borméens as tourists. In order to justify this bold and innovative project in the eyes of the Mayor and his Municipal Council, the decision is taken to combine this route with historical plaques which were to be installed on the city's emblematic monuments. The members of the Council of Elders then determined the route of this path within the medieval village and worked on the support, texts, images and symbols of these plates.
Le butterfly symbol is chosen because it represents joy, beauty, grace and lightness of being. It refers to the power of personal transformation by its strong power of rebirth. Indeed, before being a butterfly, this insect is first an egg, then it becomes a caterpillar before being a chrysalis and finally a butterfly. Each new step symbolizes a change in life, the let go on what you were to appreciate what you have become. As a symbol of wisdom, This animal is a source of inspiration in life. Under his fragile appearances,
The butterfly has a great strength. Indeed, his life is fleeting (life span of a few days to a few weeks) and yet, it spreads joy and good humor by the grace and beauty of its flight, enjoying every moment that nature offers it. So why not do like the butterfly, to approach with confidence everything that life offers us, good or bad experience, because after all it only lasts a moment. These experiences are not the past the better preparation for the future allowing us to move forward more serenely on the paths of life?
The biography of Louis Pasteur
Father of the rabies vaccine and pasteurization.
Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, in the Jura department, on December 27, 1822. In 1847, then student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, il presente une thesis on crystallography. Thanks to his work, Pasteur will be considered one of the fathers of stereochemistry, field of chemistry studying the spatial arrangement of molecules and how this can influence them. After presenting two theses in chemistry and physics, Louis Pasteur is appointed professor of physics at the high school in Dijon then professor of chemistry and dean of the new University of Sciences in Lille. This is where he will begin to study the role of yeasts in the phenomenon of fermentation.
On December 8, 1862, Pasteur was elected to the Academy of Sciences, in the “mineralogy” section, in place of Henri de Senarment. From 1865, Pasteur will embark on multiple researches and studies the fermentation process, as well as causes of acidity in wine, beer and milk. It results in pasteurization system allowing the food preservation. Further research will follow: pebrine, disease that affects silkworms and ruminant disease : coal. Leaning over thestudy of infectious diseases For several years, Louis Pasteur has been trying to find a way to eradicate rabies.
Le 6 July 1885, Louis Pasteur vaccinated for the first time against rabies a 9-year-old Alsatian shepherd named Joseph Meister. The vaccination is a success, the child is saved. Building on his success, the biologist will carry out more than 350 inoculations in one year. He will take advantage of his fame to launch a subscription that will allow the creation of the institute that bears his name. The Pasteur Institute is inaugurated on November 14, 1888 by the President of the Republic, Sadi Carnot. He is a virus research center. Desired by the French scientist Louis Pasteur, the institute is financed by an international subscription. Pasteur would lead it until his death in September 1895 and he would be buried there.
Thanks to the Pasteur Institute, many vaccines will be developed and several viruses such as the AIDS virus will succeed in being isolated. The father of the rabies vaccine died on September 28, 1895, in Marnes-la-Coquette, after having devoted a much of his life to medicine and the fight against infectious diseasesHis wife, Marie Pasteur, died the same year.
The former Saint-André hospital
En 1439 le “Good King Rene” orders the construction of a hospital in Bormes. However, due to the lack of financial means, the hospital is not erected only in 1665 thanks to contributions from the villagers. He is named Saint Andrew Hospital et cares for the needy and the destitute.
In 1773, thehospital establishment is officially rrecognized by King Louis XIV. He's managed by the religious order of the White Penitents, which focuses on thesocial aspect, religious practice and fraternity. La Saint Sebastian Chapel becomes their head office from 1653. White penitents engage in pious actions, charitable works, caring for the sick and charity schools. A prior is elected to lead the brotherhood. chapel of Saint Andrew, founded in 1665 by Mr. Antoine Pouverin, receives a annual funding of 115 pounds thanks to the legacy of Pouverin himself. Every year, the clergy sings the vespers and the mass of the feast. Until 1900, during the New Year, the local nobility do some generous donations of bread and lamb to the hospital.
Many benefactors also contribute to the smooth running of the establishment. Some notable donations include 300 francs bequeathed by Mr. Augier Antoine in 1807, 400 francs bequeathed by Jean Joseph Pellegrin in 1829, and 300 francs given by Dame Marie Abra in 1834. In 1834, the former priest of Bormes, Mr. Brieugne, even bequeathed 1000 francs. The hospital also serves as a hospice and welcomes patients not originating from village. It offers a night shelter for sailors, foreign fishermen, passing soldiers and workers working on the new railway line of the Provence Railway Company. In 1846, a school room is furnished in the hospital chapel, while maintaining religious services. Finally, the hospital is transformed into a residential house because others more appropriate establishments have taken over.
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