The beach of La Favière is a prominent and family-friendly beach stretching over 680 meters. Its convenient location near shops and amenities makes it a popular choice among visitors. With its generous width and fine sand, it offers an ideal setting for various water sports and beach volleyball games.

A beach with accessible activities and shops

Access to La Favière beach is available throughout the year, and there are several parking lots located along the beach for convenience. The beach is adjacent to the port and the district of La Favière. A wooden footbridge extends along a significant portion of the beach extending all the way to the Camp du Domaine campsite, providing wheelchair and stroller accessibility.

During the summer season, you can discover a range of activities and services to enjoy. Boat, paddleboard, and bicycle rentals are offered, giving you the chance to explore the surrounding area from the water or on land. Two restaurants positioned directly on the beach present options for dining while enjoying a view. On the left side, facing the sea, you’ll spot the distinctive blue wooden building of the nautical center, which provides sailing lessons and various water sports activities. For an adventurous experience, consider parasailing to gain a bird’s-eye view of the expansive La Favière beach and the entire town.

Enthusiasts of diving will also discover diving clubs in the vicinity, inviting you to explore the stunning underwater world of Bormes.

Located nearby, Latitude Verte ferries offer eco-friendly hybrid boat trips, providing an opportunity to embark on an excursion and enjoy the coastal scenery. Throughout the summer, the beach hosts numerous events, including the Sports en Lumière weekend, which is popular among both children and adults, as well as several fireworks displays.

Sports en Lumière Bormes les Mimosas

A secure and supervised beach

Safety is a priority at La Favière beach. From June to September, four lifeguards are present daily from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm, ensuring the security of beachgoers. They patrol the beach and closely monitor the area. Additionally, during the summer season, a municipal police watch office is set up near the sailing school to maintain a safe environment.

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