The process of classifying furnished rental accommodations involves evaluating them based on 133 criteria, grouped into three categories: Equipment and facilities, Guest services, and Accessibility and sustainable development. These criteria determine the level of comfort and quality of the rental, resulting in a rating ranging from 1 to 5 stars. For instance, a 1*-rated rental meets the minimum comfort criteria, while a 5*-rated rental offers very high quality in terms of space, amenities, and services. The classification is valid for 5 years after a visit by an accredited inspection body.

How does the classification work?

Your rental is evaluated according to 133 criteria divided into 3 categories:

  • Equipment and facilities
  • Guest services
  • Accessibility and sustainable development

The evaluation is based on a system of compulsory and optional points. The higher the star rating, the more compulsory points the accommodation must achieve. To qualify for classification, the furnished accommodation must obtain at least 95% of the mandatory points for its category.

Why get classified?

Financial advantages

  • Getting your rental classified offers several financial advantages. Non-professional renters benefit from tax advantages, as classification as a “meublé de tourisme” allows them to avail of a flat-rate tax allowance of 71% on their rental income, compared to 50% for unclassified furnished accommodations.
  • Additionally, the calculation of tourist tax is simplified, with a fixed rate based on the number of stars obtained. For example, a 1 classification* would set the tourist tax at €1.15 per night per adult, while a 2 classification* would set it at €1.30.
  • Membership of the Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances is free of charge. For further information, contact (please provide a N°SIRET and the classification decision).

Qualitative advantages

  • Moreover, classified accommodations enjoy quality advantages. The classification provides reassurance to holidaymakers, as they perceive it as a guarantee of quality and reliability.
  • It serves as a real indicator of the level of comfort, as the rental has been inspected by an approved body. By obtaining classification for your accommodation, you provide consumers with reliable benchmarks, regardless of the product range or target clientele, ensuring a satisfying and trustworthy experience for guests..

Do you have a question about the classification of furnished accommodation? Contact us now!

Rental classification
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